Understanding Diamonds-A Girl’s best friend


Are diamonds really a girl’s best friend? Well if u ask me this I will always answer in an affirmative added with ‘’God which girl doesn’t like diamonds’’!!

Well and what if u ask men the same question? Men like diamonds as much as women like their partners friend .However when it comes to impressing their women, they can never go wrong with diamonds., but for them understanding diamonds are as complicated as understanding women. Well we cannot help with the latter but can surely help you win their hearts by helping pick up the finest diamonds.

So here quickly we will see how to safely invest in diamonds.

We have all heard about the 4 c’s story of a diamond.so while going for diamond shopping, it is imperative to understand the factors which determine the quality and the price of a diamond.


The best diamonds are colourless and are frequently graded on a scale of D to Z.  

Grades D-F are considered colourless.
Grades G-J are considered near-colourless.
Grades K-M are called faint yellow.
Grades N-R are very light yellow.
Grades S-Z are light yellow.


Usually diamonds in the grade range of D to J are white & are relatively expensive than the ones falling in the lower grade range.

In other words, the less the color,the higher the grade.

(However do not get confused with fancy coloured diamonds like the blues, yellows, pink as these are very expensive and are classified separately).



It is the assessment of the imperfections found on the diamond’s surface as well as internally. The flaws on the surface are known as blemishes while the internal flaw is known as inclusions. These inclusions are usually microscopic and cannot be seen by untrained or unaided eyes.

The different grades are:

FL — IF: Flawless — Internally Flawless. The rarest stones have no inclusions or blemishes visible to untrained eyes. These are exceptionally expensive.

VVS1 — VVS2: Very, Very Slightly Included. Inclusions that are very difficult to see by a trained grader under magnification.

VS1 — VS2: Very Slightly Included. Inclusions difficult to see under magnification, minor but visible when magnified.

SI1 – SI2: Inclusions visible under 10x magnification. 

I1- 13: Included. Usually visible to the naked eye. 


However diamond clarity are the least considered factor when choosing to buy a diamond between the grade of FL-S12 as none of these inclusions or blemishes are visible to naked eyes, however it does have an effect on the pricing of the diamonds.


Out of the 4c’s cut is the most important factor while buying a diamond as cut gives the diamond the sparkle and the ability to explode with the prismatic colour.

A diamond with mediocre colour and clarity could be made livelier than a diamond with better colour and clarity grading just with the differences in cut.

The different types of cut are: Ideal, excellent, very good

So it’s best not to compromise on the cut of the diamond


Diamond carat is often misunderstood and refers to a diamond’s weight, not necessarily its size. Carat is a unit of weight measurement. One carat is equal to one-fifth of a gram (.20g). 

Important Tip: When comparing diamond carat sizes, take a diamond’s cut into consideration as well: a high-carat diamond with a poor cut grade may look smaller, than a diamond with smaller carat weight and a better cut.

 Some more important tips to follow:

  • Invest in single solitaires as the chances of price increase are greater as compared to clustered diamonds.
  • Look for certifications, usually two types of certifications are available: GIA/IGI. These certificates carry information about all the 4c’s of your diamond and are also prerequisite in case of selling the diamonds as usually jewellers do not repurchase diamonds without certificates.
  • Always buy from registered vendors and insist on a bill as usually it is found that unlike gold, diamonds have a very low repurchasing power that is it is very rare that a jeweller will purchase the diamonds brought from other jewellers.
  • Size does not always matter, it is better to go for a .90 carat diamond with better colour and cut than to go for a 1 carat diamond with lower colour, cut and clarity.
  • A small, well-cut diamond with very good colour and clarity will always look better than a larger stone with mediocre colour, cut, and clarity and will be easier on the pockets as well.

Written & Edited by:

Shivangi Bathwal


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